The Producers Agency helps indie filmmakers close the gap between content and audience

The Mission

To close the gap between independent film, the industry and audiences.
The Producers' Agency works with filmmakers and distribution professionals to increase their film's impact, audience exposure, and revenue potential in the digital space.
We put the power of reaching audiences directly into the hands of indie producers.

The Problem

The industry is incredibly noisy; there are a ton of products fighting for attention. This attention is traditionally gathered by spending vast amounts of money on blunt advertising tools.
Limited resources & expertise within independent production teams means that marketing the launch and planning a productions distribution is often left to the last minute.
Many productions get lost in the noise, failing at the final hurdle. As the adage goes; fail to plan, plan to fail.
And, if the creative team doesn't take responsibility for the project's life beyond festival screenings, it will very likely remain digital data on a hard drive.
New digital technology enables the producer to close the gap between content and audience from the outset of the production. But staying ahead of trends in the digital space is hard for the indie creators, who have hundreds of spinning plates already.

The Solution

The Producers' Agency empowers indie creative teams with the best digital marketing tools and eCommerce technology on the market whilst keeping things as simple as possible.
We provide custom web templates and video hosting with DRM capabilities to enable rights owners to exploit content in-house.
The agency's bootcamps support indie filmmakers in developing a direct-to-consumer relationship with audiences and building mutually beneficial relationships with the global film industry and distribution professionals.
The producers' agency, founded by

Ben Pohlman

Hello there, and welcome to The Producers’ Agency! It’s great to have you aboard!

I co-founded the Lift-Off Network over a decade ago and have since been working on connecting indie film with global audiences. 

Running the Lift-Off festivals has taught me that a film’s director/producer must take an active role in the project’s journey throughout the distribution stage for it to reach its full potential. 

Unless there are already substantial budgets and pre-existing relationships with reliable distribution outfits (willing to spend money on marketing the distribution), the creative team must treat marketing as part of their responsibilities. These responsibilities apply to building relationships with audiences as well as marketing products to key industry players.

Creative distribution and new technologies mean finding innovative routes to audiences and industry.

I founded The Producers’ Agency to help indie creatives with this. Welcome aboard!

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